Mobile Patient

Mobile Patients

The Mobile Patient feature is designed to allow concomitant medication to be checked – even when the subject is away from the research site.

Study Card

All the subjects are given a “Study Card” which gives a Username and Password for the CliniSafe web site.

This Username and Password takes the user directly into the Wizard for that Country.

Therefore, when needed, the subject’s concomitant medications can be checked using the Wizard and the results displayed,

(which are translated as appropriate).

The benefits of the Study Card include:

  • Patient Empowerment
  • Checking of drugs by associated medical practitioners, (e.g. while the subject is on holiday).

To enable the Mobile Feature, use the Integrated Research Platform

to define the Username and Password once, for each Country in the Project.

Then publish the Username and Password on the subjects Study Card for that Country.