
Benefits for Monitors

Time Saving

By not having to look up drugs in formularies, CliniSafe saves you time and lets you get on with other tasks.

One study – or many ?

CliniSafe offers two distinct methods for Monitors to log into CliniSafe and check drugs:

  • Single study login – as a Monitor user.
  • Multiple study login – as an Integrated Research Platform user.

Monitor user login

Logging in as a Monitor takes you into one country of the study and you can roam across all the Research Sites in that country and work with the patients in those Research Sites.

You can also run the Drug Checker.

This is an ideal scenario for a Monitor who is working on one study, in one country, for a length of time.

Integrated Research Platform user login

Logging in as an Integrated Research Platform user gives a lot more functionality – depending on the rights you are assigned – but you must at least have rights to the Wizard dashboard.

The Wizard dashboard gives you the same interface as a Monitor, and you can roam across all the Research Sites in that country and work with the patients in those Research Sites.

You can also run the Drug Checker.

You can also navigate to all of the countries on that study.

Depending on your allocated rights you would also be able to create Research Sites and maintain Investigators.

This is an ideal scenario for a Monitor who works on many studies at the same time – as there is a single user name and password to access many studies.